Weekly Wrap Up

Keep your eyes and ears open for competitions.  I wrote this a while ago, give it a look.  Francesca Rose, a DJ right near me, who also won Decoded Mag's Mix of The Month, just won a trip to Croatia for Defected in the House.  I think it was this competition by Point Blank.  Also pretty sure she took a class there.

Don't take expensive classes just to have a "shot" at winning a contest.

On that note, Dubspot closes it's doors because it had become a pyramid scheme.  Owner was a psycho who blew money from students on stupid things, didn't pay teachers, classes were cancelled.  I saw this coming a while ago because teachers were leaving very very poor reviews on Glassdoor and employee review site.

These high end schools are not worth it, there's very little ROI in it for the student.

This week Thump.Vice ran an article about Dubspot's death and then the other music sites hopped on the band wagon.  Monkey See Monkey Do Journalism. The whole thing is kinda lame.

New York's Boris Delivers a KICK ASS EP on Carl Cox's Intec.  You may have heard of Boris from Transmit Recordings, his label.  Enrico Sanguiliano had a break out remix of Boris track that was huge a couple years ago.  There's also the Transmissions Podcast.


I also loved Dustin Zahn's guest mix on Tronic - this is worth a listen as is Dustin's Trainwrecks Podcast.

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