Archive Monthly Archives: November 2017

free arrangement template – architectural 7.2

Here's another one for the "Finish Faster" series. If you're struggling to take your music beyond 8 or 16 bars give this a look.

It's totally OK to borrow track structures or arrangements from the works of known producers.  It's like sampling how a song ebbs and flows. 

What I do is take detailed notes for each section of a tune and then make a mock arrangement in Ableton Live using silent clips. 

I've taken it further this time by including some inspired samples. In the latest template I'm using the tune "7.2" by Architectural. 

NY Muscle production templates and samples

2 Templates in this package I've named "NY Muscle" which also includes a smattering of samples influenced by records I bought in New York City.

These are 2 chugging subterranean cuts ready to rumble a warehouse.

All that's required is Ableton Live 9.7.  These were made to be low on CPU and friendly on your bank account as no purchase of 3rd party plugins or VSTs are required.

Listen to the tracks and get more info here.